Despite being autumn, a time when one tends to hibernate, it is a time when I return to my writing and course planning with renewed enthusiasm. The pleasant distractions of summer disappear, the garden is put to bed for winter and a quieter period ensues, one where I can think without interruption and plan. I've been checking my competition spreadsheet and deciding what to enter and where. I research the judge, usually a well-known author, I also read any of the previous winners’ stories that are sometimes posted online. If the competition has an anthology I will get hold of a back copy and read the winners stories, also I may put in two or three quite different stories because, I conclude, the judge or judges will want variety in the anthology. If it is for a literary magazine I get hold of a copy. Cost is an issue, competitions fees have increased in recent years and so I am more selective and, like everyone I know, I have cut back in the light of current fiscal conditions. The great thing about entering competitions is that it is a focus, something to aim for, in terms of length, content, style and deadlines. Stories that don't make it one year, are re-edited, re-written or left to lie fallow for a period while I consider a new approach, and most important of all your writing will be read.